Notes from Classmates
We gathered the notes from Classmates who signed our Guest Book on the old site.Β Enjoy!
Christine Jeffers-Wood
Saturday, September 1, 2012
I’ve been a registered nurse for 41 years and have lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico for 25 years. Bob and I have been married for 9 years and I have 2 step-daughters. I’m working toward my MSN. We fly around in our Cessna or travel in our RV from time to time. Have seen 25 states and 5 countries. I’m glad I found this site. Nice to see the postings!
Mike Kass
Sunday, July 8, 2012
I`m up for a party just need a day or twos notice.
pete/judy cutway
Saturday, September 5, 2009
good seeing everyone, never would have belived 41 years have gone by. wish I knew then what I know now. But if I did JUDY would not of had so much to teach me, she is doing well and is still deeply in love with me, I have decided to keep her. We will see you all soon.
Rhonda (Kornrumpf) Burkhardt
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thank you to every involved with the reunion. A great time was had by all. Looking forward to the next get-together.
Susan Hegg Stahl
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I want to thank the committee for working so hard on planning our 40+ reunion. I am glad I was able to see many old friends on Friday at the High School. I am sorry I missed many more at the dinner planned at The Maumee Indoor! I am enjoying life and have been living in our rival town of Perrysburg for 29 years! I am officially retired after 27 years of teaching. My oldest daughter is in her 5th year of residency in Cincinnati in Radiation Oncology. She is married and I have an 18 month old granddaughter! My youngest is in commercial/management at Fifth Third Bank and also in Cinci. I wish everyone well and God Bless! Susie
Dave Youngman
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hi everyone, I just wanted to express the appreciation of the band members of the Watermelon Men and myself. We had a fantastic time playing and wished We could have played longer! A great time was had by all!
Tom Chrisman
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Ditto to Bob’s comments. Was great catching up with everybody. If you ever find yourself in Atlanta, look me up. Tom C
Bob Lutz
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Great Weekend ! ! ! Like good wine, it gets better with age. 1968 was a great vintage year.
Paul Story
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hello Classmates! Been looking forward to this reunion for some time and thanks to the gallant few, it’s going to happen. I’ve been reading the messages. Saw someone’s reference to being old. We’re not old. Duane Powell is OLD…… the rest of us are not! I see classmates RETIRING and I recall a time when that word did not exist in our vocabulary. I tried the retirement thing, decided it was premature and got into another really interesting job. Many of you are now Grandparents! Old Folks – Retirees – Grandparents? Should make for some really interesting discussion.
Helen Saylor (Sterner)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Coming into Maumee tomorrow for reunion. Looking forward to seeing everyone, it’s been a long time. Hope I can make my way around, yes you do forget. See you tomorrow night !
Kathy Buffington
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hi again everyone! I am glad that you found me…..but I am so very sorry that I will not be able to make it up from Florida for the reunion…..I know you all will just have a fabulous time and I will sure be thinking of you!!! If there are any pics available afterward let me know please……..& if you ever make it to the west coast of Florida (Sarasota) let me know! And… the way, where the heck did 40 years go??? Thank you much again to all of you that made this reunion possible……..I would be thrilled to help in any way I can for the next one!……….Have fun & have a drink at Dale’s for me! Take care everyone……Ill be wishing I was there to party & remember with all of you………Fondly, Kathy
Bill Luginbuhl
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I can’t wait to see all of you. I was only there for a couple of years so I don’t know how many I’ll remember, but it will be interesting.
Adrienne Begley
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hello all – so sorry I will miss the reunion. Had hoped to be in country (living in Ireland at the moment) and as it turns out I will be – but in Boston. It will be tough to sneak away as both children (teenagers actually) are having wisdom teeth extracted next week. I will be thinking of you as I serve up the ice packs and ice cream. I’ll see you at the 50th…….
Adrienne (Fleischman) Begley
Cheryl Daily
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sorry I won’t be able to make it to the reunion. Sounds like a lot of fun.
I just retired from Clark Co Assessors Office,Las Vegas NV and my husband retired from LV Metro this past January.
Bob Boggs
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sorry I will not be able to attend. I have a nephew getting married on the 8th so I will be in Palo Alto Ca for the wedding. I hope to see you all at our 50th. Have fun and keep Urschel in line.
Rhonda Burkhardt
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Great job on the web page. Looking forward to the reunion this weekend.
Christy Corl
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Hey 68ers:
I had really planned to come and midwest family made extensive plans for reunions as well at the same time. Other important events popped up early Spring so available people, time and money became premium at the moment for the year (a wedding, funeral, and international travel). I invite any folks headed West to come to Portland to stay, etc. My brother Michael is also in Portland with his very successful Architecture business of 30 years. If there are photos or video tours please count me in the review. My dad, a three generation Maumeeite always said the best reunion was his 50th-it really gets down and dirty by then! As some may have noticed, when my father passed we rehabitated the family home on River Road that he built, so us siblings no longer are rooted which continues to be somewhat of a challenge in regards to agreeing where to meet. On the philosophical side, life continues to be an unfolding creative challenge for me. I still look pretty much the same and still have a difficult time sitting still for long. I have a boat and three grandchildren 5-7-9 that keep me busy. I am currently single if any midwesterners are interested in traveling and generally outshining unresponsible Oregonian males. Biggest regret is that I have not kept in touch with many good friends in Maumee. Best accomplishment for me has been following in the footsteps and joy of discovery of my family heritage and its creative spirit. Yes, I am still working in education and also have two businesses of my own. Best regards to all of you in our solid class of 68. Christy
Nancy Rice (Payne)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I didn’t know I was missing! But since I was only at MHS my senior year I didn’t get into any yearbooks, etc. I spent 20 years in the Air Force, lived in Japan and Italy, now just north of Orlando from my 35th move. I haven’t unpacked yet. Looking for Pam Williams, is Sylvia the same one we ran around in my corvair convertable?
Feyadora Vaznelis Tower
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The website looks great! I thank all the people who have put energy into designing and organizing it and the reunion. I regret that I am unable to attend. I will be starting my 34th year of teaching on August 4th. The timing does not work for me. Please enjoy and plan another reunion in the near future! π Fey
Bob Taylor
Friday, July 17, 2009
I can’t believe how old we all are. Time has passed in my case with helping to raise 2 stepsons and my own son who is 24 and trying to find a job in this economy. Duane Powell is trying to get me to play golf but I am very comfortable in my retirement from that frustrating game. Happy reunion to all !
Tom Dlugas
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Looking forward to meeting old classmates at Dale’s on Friday.
Mary Hoffheins Butler
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wow the site is great. I can’t wait to see everyone.
Kim, for middle school what about David King, social studies I think. I was in his class the day Kennedy was shot.
Ed O’Hearn
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I haven’t made any reunions so far and sad to say looks like I’ll miss this one too.
Have fun and maybe …?
Larry Barden
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hello to everyone,I hope to see more RSVP’s. It will be so great to see all of those who helped make my teenage years so memorable.
Patrick Wagener
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hello to all..Nice job on the website. Nice to read, see and hear all the different things going on. Best to all.
Kathy Buffington
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
To all of you very special individuals who are working so hard to make this reunion come together for all of us….a sincere, heartfelt thank you for all of your endless, hard work!!! The website is fabulous & great fun to watch….& your upcoming events such fun. I’m sure this will indeed be a very special & memorable event for all……..! Take care……..
Dave Shugar
Friday, May 29, 2009
Amy, MIAs and many other changes to the website will happen soon after our next planning meeting June 13th. As we get closer to the 40+ Reunion date, check the website often to have the latest information. Thanks for your kind words about the website.
Amy Chivington Wilson
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Great web site indeed! Just wondering if the MIA list has been updated lately. It looks like we’re going to have a great reunion! Thanks for all the hard work.
Kent Tremain (Class of 67)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Comments: Regarding my Brother, J Michael Tremain (Mike), he served 3 years in the US Army (with a tour in Vietnam), then served another 20 years in the Navy. He retired as a Chief Petty Officer in 1992. On July 8, 1999, he passed away due to Cancer. Good luck with your reunion.
Tom Chrisman
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hi y’all, as we say in the south. Hope everyone is well. Looking forward to catching up with members of our class and hope you’ll do the same. Will be nice to renew old acquaintances.
Roger Bitikofer
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hello from sunny Mesa Az I am from the class of 66 if anyone has info about a working website for that class please e-mail me. I spent some time in Vietnam than married (now 40 years) raised 4 kids in Bowlin green ohio. Now grandparents of 7 great grandkids! (4 in Gilbert Az and 2 in China one step in ASU) Thanks -roger-
Mark Matyi
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Had dinner with Bob Kelly and Dennis Staples from Oldies 93.5 a while back, and Bob still laughed over our softball game with the WTOD Radio Wonders! I remember when the Joe Cherry All-Stars stormed the radio station at Southland after school and broke into their afternoon programming! Neehog Nek, you threw two too many pitches down the middle, we lost the game on consecutive home runs in the last inning!
Kathy Runkle Martell
Monday, March 30, 2009
Great site. Thanks for all the effort & time spent.
Kathy Greene
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hi Class of “68 – my class of ’67 has continued to meet every year since our 40th and have had a great time renewing friendships. I do remember many of you – Charlie Otwell, Bill Boggs, Kim Bradshaw (which I have been in touch with), Curt Urshel and others. Keep your website as we have ours. If any of you want to refresh communications just email me. Maumee was a great place to grow up! Have fun! Smooth sailing always, π KG
Kim Bradshaw
Sunday, March 8, 2009
If anyone would like copies of any of the Ft. Miami photos, let me know. I would be happy to get those for you.
Jeff Gordon
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The web site is fantastic. It is fun looking at the pictures from Fort Miami. Its surprising how many people I remember. I never had any of the group pictures, only the singles, so these brought back alot of memories. I made the 20th reunion, but not any of the others. This one coming up will be a great time, and I am really looking forward to it.
Pam Greenlese Ide
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Glad to see this come to fruition! Amazes me how 4 little years out of our lives has stayed so vivid with us, yet hardly any of us can remember what we did 4 years ago! LOL
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